ukuk mun ya "quiz"...lhaksta kEmtEks?

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Sun Nov 28 04:48:35 UTC 1999


Very little Chinook in this quiz, as I've been sending quite a bit of the
language to you lately.  Did you understand the article about the Grand
Ronde meteorite?

1) 	Can you name a town with a Chinook Jargon name, and another which
is in the core region for Chinook Jargon speech, which issued wooden money
and wooden tax tokens during the Depression of the 1930's?

2)	What world-famous artist now has a studio and school named
"Pilchuck"?  What does that word mean?

3)	True or false:  The "Tyee" was the University of Washington's

Kloshe nanich,

 *VISIT the archives of the CHINOOK jargon and the SALISHAN & neighboring*
		    <=== languages lists, on the Web! ===>

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