attachments; lists

Nadja Adolf nadolf at NAVITEL.COM
Thu Sep 2 17:51:31 UTC 1999

Part of the attachment problem is whether or not one is on a PC or UNIX. On
UNIX one can get the PC-specific attachments, but they aren't exactly

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Cleven [mailto:ironmtn at BIGFOOT.COM]
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: attachments; lists

At 09:43 AM 8/26/99 -0700, John Schilke wrote:
>Thanks again to all who made the lu?lu such a wonderful event!
>Is some kind soul planning to send a list of names, addresses, e-mails to
>all who attended?  It would really be useful.  So would a separate List.
>By the way, I cannot receive attachments -- the ISP doesn't send them

Sounds like you need a better ISP........ (you seem to be on a university
server, which might explain that - but it's still unusual for an academic
network to restrict attachments; ask the techsupport guys at

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