
peter webster peterweb at TELEPORT.COM
Sun Mar 12 02:10:09 UTC 2000

to no particular point, except a nice play on words...Thanks to Jason
Spaulding,Mike Two Horses, and the CERTAIN list--
>[the previous poster's] use of that word reminded me of how I learned
>that word, which has multiple translations in English. This
>is one of my stepmom's favorite stories:
>The time was in the depths of the Depression. The place was
>a little town near the Cheyenne River rez.
>Two Sioux men decided to go shopping on credit. One spoke
>some English, one spoke none. They went to the butcher
>shop. The butcher asked their names and looked up their
>names in the account book. The non-English-speaker owed 75
>"I want my 75 cents", said the butcher. "Tok'sa"
>(pronounced something like dtoak-shah), said the debtor.
>"Later", translated the go-between.
>"I want my 75 cents now", said the butcher. "Tok'sa", said
>the debtor. "In a little while", translated the go-between.
>"Not in a little while, I want my 75 cents now," said the
>butcher. "Tok'sa", said the debtor; this time translated as
>"Pretty soon".
>The butcher grew furious. "Tell him I want my 75 cents
>today and I don't want to hear any more of this dogshit."
>So, happy trails for a while, kii yaa tuk, and come back as
>soon as you can, no dogshit <g>!
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