more hints on racism and "siwash"

phil cash cash pasxapu at DAKOTACOM.NET
Thu Apr 12 23:47:39 UTC 2001

Old West, Vol. 2, #4, Summer, 1966 Austin, Texas, USA: Western Publications, Inc.
"Hell and High Water"- old time lumberjacks; "Colter’s Boone"- John Colter and Daniel Boone
including Boone’s trip to Yellowstone; "Rattlesnakes I Have Known" by J. Frank Dobie; "The Murder of
Simon Turley"- trapper; "Slick Clements- Dead Shot"- Texas Ranger; "Black Rock Swindle"- mining
swindle; "The Harvey Houses", "Bitter Sunset"- The defeat of the Apache Gokliya; "They Didn’t Stay
for Dinner", "Old West Scrapbook", "Bears are Bigger in the Dark", Sandon, B.C., Misfortune’s
Playground"; "White Man’s Revenge"- Stephen, a 16 year old Siwash or Nez Perce Indian, in 1891 left
the reservation. He was attacked by a white man, whom he killed. Stephen was hanged by a mob; "The
Longest Stage Route in the World"- Butterfield overland stage from San Franciso; "The Denton-Twiggs
Feud", "We Ran the Jim"- James River; "Bert Casey and the Hughes Ranch"; reprint of complete rare
book: "A Pastoral Prince: The Story of a California Sheep Baron" by Frank Sands. The story of Joseph
Wright Cooper, born in 1826; "Red Jacket, A Seneca War Chief".

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