CJ practice text 4: "Birth of Christ"

David D. Robertson ddr11 at COLUMBIA.EDU
Fri Dec 28 05:46:45 UTC 2001


This has been delayed by an emergency stay in the hospital...baby boy with
a meningitis emergency.  All's well now; turns out to be just a mutant new
flu bug -- But he's given it to me!  My hands hurt, so I've taken my time
typing this.  Vocabulary and questions will accompany this text later.

Good stuff has come to me privately about Ojibwe/Cree and CJ, but I'm not
sure if I'm to forward it to you all.

Now, I rest.  Enjoy! -- Dave

“The Birth of Christ”

(“Bishop Durieu’s New Testament / page 188 / chapter 5”)

This seems to be a traditional European story that embellishes Matthew
1:18 – 2:12, which episodes – the angel’s appearance to Mary, and the
arrival of the three wise men – are to be found immediately before and
after this passage.  That reminds me of some excellent fairytale-style
embellishments in the story of Daniel elsewhere in the  _Kamloops Wawa_!

1                       WACHMAN KOPA LAMUTO
2      <1>  Wik saia kopa ukuk musmus haws mitlait tanas ayu man
3 kopa mawntin; klaska tlus nanich ayu lamuto, kakwa wik klaska slip
4 kopa pulakli.  Iht lisash chako pi iaka mamuk lait kopa kah klaska
5      Chi klaska nanich ukuk lait, klaska chako kwash, pi lisash
6 wawa:  “Tlus wik msaika kwash:  Naika chako mamuk komtaks kopa
7 iht aias tlus wawa:  S.T. iaka tanas chako man alta kopa ilihi.
8 Klatwa nanich iaka:  Iaka mitlait kopa iht musmus haws, wik
9 saia kopa Bitlyim tawn, dlai tipso iaka bid, iaka slip kopa kah mus-
10 mus tlap klaska makmak.”  Chi ukuk lisash kopit wawa kakwa, ayu
11 hloima lisash chako kanamokst iaka, pi klaska tlus shanti kanawi
12 kanamokst:  “Gloria in iksilsis dio, gloria kopa S.T.”
13 Kakwa klaska shanti pi klaska kilapai kopa sahali ilihi.
14      <2>  Wachman kopa lamuto wawa kanamokst:  “Aias tlus wawa
15 nsaika tlap ukuk pulakli.  Tlus nsaika klatwa kopa Bitlyim pus
16 nanich ukuk tanas man lisash mamuk komtaks kopa nsaika.  <x>  Klaska
17 tlap musmus haws kakwa lisash wawa, pi klaska nanich Shosif, Mari
18 pi iht tanas.  Ukuk tanas iaka slip kopa tipso kah musmus
19 iskom klaska makmak.  Wachman klatwa ashnu kopa ukuk tanas, drit
20 klaska tomtom pus S.T. iaka, pi klaska mamuk komtaks kopa Mari pi
21 kata lisash chako kopa klaska pi ikta klaska wawa kopa klaska.
22 Yutl klaska tomtom klaska kilapai kopa klaska lamuto.
23      8 son kimta, Shosif pi Mari lolo ukuk tanas pus liplit
24 patlach sirkomsishon kopa iaka, pi klaska patlach iaka nim Chisyus,
25 lisash wawa ankati kopa klaska.

1                     THE SHEPHERDS
2      <1>  Not far from this stable were several men
3 on a mountain; they were taking care of a herd of sheep, so they
were not asleep
4 at night.  A certain angel came and shone a light on where they
5      As soon as they saw this light, they became scared, but the
6 said:  “Don’t be afraid.  I’ve come to inform you
7 of very good news:  The son of God is born now on Earth.
8 Go see him:  He is in a stable, near
9 Bethlehem, his bed is hay, he sleeps where the cat-
10 tle get their food.”  Once the angel had thus spoken, many
11 other angels appeared with him, and they sang beautifully all
12 together:  “Gloria in excelsis Deo, glory to God.”
13 Thus they sang and they returned to Heaven.
14      <2>  The shepherds spoke amongst themselves:  “What very good
15 we have received this evening.  We must go to Bethlehem to
16 see this baby boy the angel informed us about.  <x>     They
17 found the stable as the angel had said, and they saw Joseph, Mary
18 and a child.  This child was sleeping in the hay where the cattle
19 got their food.  The shepherds knelt before this child, truly
20 they believed that it was God’s, and they informed Mary and Joseph
21 how the angels had come to them and what they had said to them.
22 They were joyous, [and] they returned to their sheep.
23      8 days after, Joseph and Mary took this child for a priest
24 to give him a circumcision, and they gave him the name Jesus, as
25 the angel had previously told them.

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