
Linda Fink linda at FINK.COM
Fri May 4 04:38:40 UTC 2001

And here I thought everyone knew about mountain beavers. I'll bet every
forester and logger in the Pacific Northwest knows about them. Every time we
hike in the hills around here (Grand Ronde), Johnny (my husband -- and an
ex-forester) points out the boomer holes. But then, I walked down the aisle
of a grocery store the other day and was astounded by the things they sell
-- frozen waffles! dumplings! I can't imagine anyone not making their own.
Even today, we live in different cultures, sometimes side by side.

huloima tillikum, huloima tumtum
(different people, different viewpoints)

Linda Fink, mihtlite sitkum kuba 2001, sitkum kuba 1901

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