Practice CJ text, with vocabulary provided: Want to see more such?

Dave Robertson TuktiWawa at NETSCAPE.NET
Sun Oct 28 04:18:40 UTC 2001

Kloshe polaklie, tillicums,

Here's a short CJ text, for reading practice.

Since it's pretty hard for most people in the world to find any way to use their knowledge of the Jargon, I thought it would be good to provide this as a service.

At the end of this selection, I provide an English translation and a vocabulary list, where every CJ word used in the text is defined in English.

This may also generate some good questions on the CHINOOK list, about which I'll say one thing:  EVERY QUESTION IS A GOOD ONE.  Not everyone speaks great Jargon, yet!

My question is, would you like to see more of this stuff?  Maybe a paragraph or two each week?

Okay, here's something to practice reading.  It's from that treasure trove, _Kamloops Wawa_.  (March 1894, page 40, and yes, it's Biblical.)

1        <x> Pi iaka chako kopa lisapotr,
2   pi iaka tlap klaska slip,
3   pi iaka wawa kopa Sin Pitir:
4        <+> Kata msaika?  Wik kata
5   msaika mitlait iht awr ilo
6   slip pi styuil kanamokst
7   naika.  Tlus ilo msaika slip,
8   mamuk styuil, pus ilo
9   masachi tolo msaika.
10  Man iaka sili iaka aiak klatwa
11  kopa ikta; pi iaka itluil
12  iaka til, ilo skukum.

1        <x> And he came to the apostles,
2   and he found them asleep,
3   and he said to Saint Peter:
4        <+> What is the matter with you folks?  You aren't able
5   to sit an hour without
6   sleep and pray with
7   me.  You should not sleep,
8   {but) pray, so that nothing
9   evil conquers you.
10  A man's soul quickly turns
11  to a thing; but his flesh
12  is tired, (and) without strength.  ["The spirit is willing, but the flesh it weak"].

aiak ... quickly
awr ... hour
chako ... come
iaka ... he / his / it
iht ... one
ikta ... thing
ilo ... without / nothing / not at all
itluil ... flesh / body
kanamokst ... with / together
kata ... how is it? / what's the matter? / how
klaska ... them / they
klatwa ... go to / go from one thing to another one / turn to
kopa ... to
lisapotr ... apostle(s)
mamuk ... make
mamuk styuil ... pray
man ... man
masachi ... evil / bad
msaika ... you folks, you-all
mitlait ... sit
naika ... me / I
pi ... and / but
pus ... so that
sili ... soul
Sin Pitir ... Saint Peter
skukum ... strength / strong
slip ... asleep / sleep
styuil ... pray
til ... tired
tlap ... find
tlus ... good / should
tolo ... conquer / win
wawa ... say
wik ... not
wik kata ... cannot / no way to
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