cloosh wawa kopa nesika chee hyaschutch - a great speech from ournew lt.governor

Mike Cleven ironmtn at BIGFOOT.COM
Thu Sep 27 02:24:24 UTC 2001

> terry glavin wrote:
>  i can't find a copy of her speech on the web just yet (from the
>'s web site you'd still think that garde gardom was the queen's
> representative in b.c.)

Bc govt webmasters are notoriously slow-acting at updates and resdesign
and stuff; except for the Premier's Office, of course..

 and it would be bad form to send along the
> draft she sent me a few days back, but the punchline of iona's speech,
> i.e. the point of this email,  was:
>  konoway tillicums klatawa kunamokst klaska mamook okoke huloima chee
> illahie.
>  which is to say, everyone was thrown together to make this strange
> new country.
>  and if there is any awkwardness in the translation, the fault was
> initially mine and entirely mine.

Actually it's interesting that the way Chinook works is in the "active
present" instead of an actual past imperfect (like your English "was
thrown together"); she's talking about the present as much as the past.
The Icelandic sagas are written in the same way, using present for past
accounts; gives a sense of immediacy; and very Chinook-stylistic IMHO.

Also wanted to add for our Boston tillikums that "lieutenant-governor"
is pronounced _lef-tenant_ governor.....don't ask why; actually I'm not
sure why....


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