CHINOOK Digest - 23 Aug 2003 to 24 Aug 2003 (#2003-63)

Nadja Adolf yakimabelle at YAHOO.COM
Mon Aug 25 18:55:27 UTC 2003

The Wawa has always had a grammar; I think everyone
here agrees on that.

The problem with enforcing a standard dialect is that
it requires readily available materials - in the
absence of these materials - no standard. Dave
comments that the GR materials are imperfectly, but
readily, available. Where? And at what expense?

Last year I set up an email list, which can be read on
the web for rapid conversations, called
Chinook-Wawa at I tried to invite
*everyone* to participate - but repeated emails from
me and others attempting to invite participation
somehow never made it pas moderation onto this Chinook
List. Even though the list is for the sole purpose of
encouraging conversation; it is not for linguistic or
technical conversations beyond any advice or
information on how to speak the Wawa. The only
requirement is to either list a resource for one's
words, or to provide translations into English.

Hardworking and motivated folks like Morgan are trying
to use Jim's materials to start up local conversation
groups. Others, like my husband, have given up in

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