The "sh" pronunciation variant

James Crippen jcrippen at GMAIL.COM
Sun Aug 20 04:42:37 UTC 2006

I'm currently studying nouns in Tlingit which are derived from Chinook
Jargon. I've come across quite a few, mostly to do with new animals,
boston foods, and foreigners. Something that is bothering me is that a
number of words seem to have been imported from a CJ speaker who used
"sh" in place of "s" in certain vocabulary. In particular, the Tlingit
word "doosh" comes from CJ "push", which is a shortened version of
"pushpush". But the typical word was "puspus" in CJ, with an "s"
rather than an "sh". I also have Tlingit "wáashdan" from CJ "bashtan",
the same "sh" varation on "bastan". Can anyone localize this variety
of CJ to a particular region of the northwest? Or was it just a common
variant at times?


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