CFP: 2005 UGA Linguistic Society Conference

Lauren Squires squires at VIRGINIA.EDU
Tue Nov 1 14:27:52 UTC 2005

CFP for Georgia's grad student conference.  Deadline extended to Nov. 22, 
according to the website.  I'd say CMC is something of an applicaiton and/or 
innovation in linguistic research.



Call for Papers

Announcing the 2nd UGA Linguistics Society Graduate Conference
“Applications and Innovations in Linguistic Research”
February 26, 2005
University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Our theme this year reflects the growing concern among social scientists to 
consciously relate and make research applicable to a larger context of 
socially sensitive issues, ideas, and questions. In order for us as 
developing scholars to rise to the challenge that a changing academic 
atmosphere presents, we invite you to enter a forum for discussing how to 
make research both innovative and grounded in real life issues. Many of you 
may already be involved in research that prioritizes and addresses these 
considerations; this conference is aimed at bringing together students 
engaged in such work and those who are interested in application. We would 
like to call on all fellow graduate and undergraduate students working in 
various sub-fields of linguistics to take a step back and reflect on their 
project from this perspective. The conference thus aims to serve as a venue 
for bringing together student researchers and facilitating an exchange of 
ideas so that we can begin to realize the potential we have as active 
members of the scholarly community.

Graduate and undergraduate students in any linguistically-related field are 
welcome to send submissions (including TESOL, anthropology, sociology, 
women’s studies, etc.). Papers will last 20 minutes with an additional 5 
minutes for questions and discussion. We also welcome proposals for group 
sessions of 3-5 papers focused around a central theme or topic. Abstracts 
should be 500 words or less and clearly state the purpose of the research 
and its relevance to the field and to the theme of the conference.

Deadline for submission is Friday November 11, 2004. Submissions should be 
sent via e-mail attachment to linguist at Please do not include your 
name on the actual abstract and include a title and three keywords. Provide 
in the body of the e-mail the following information:
E-mail address
Phone number

We will notify all contributors by early December of acceptance. If you have 
any questions, please contact the conference organizers at linguist at

Lauren Squires
Linguistics Program
University of Virginia

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