CFP: Methods of blog research: Behind the scenes - possible panel(s) for AoIR 2007

joshua raclaw Joshua.Raclaw at COLORADO.EDU
Fri Nov 3 23:03:27 UTC 2006

Apologies for crossposting-

----- Forwarded message from Lois Ann Scheidt <lscheidt at> -----
    Date: Fri,  3 Nov 2006 07:54:35 -0500
    From: Lois Ann Scheidt <lscheidt at>
Reply-To: air-l at
 Subject: [Air-l] Methods of blog research: Behind the scenes - possible
panel(s) for AoIR 2007
      To: air-l at

Methods of blog research: Behind the scenes

As the number of studies on blogs has increased, so have the questions
and issues surrounding how one does research on these multi-faceted
online sites. Experienced researchers and novices grapple with multiple
issues as they adapt, modify and develop various research methods. How
does one identify blogs for one?s study? What sampling procedures work
best? What software is to be used in blog research? What are the
benefits and weaknesses of using particular methods?

We call for abstracts and papers that address these issues for a panel
or series of panels, at the AoIR Conference 2007 in Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada. In particular we are interested in presentations that
look at methods ? qualitative or quantitative - and the difficulties
researchers encounter as they do or have done research on blogs. Our
focus is not on results; rather we are looking for colleagues
interested in sharing knowledge and discussing challenges of the ?nuts
and bolts? of blog research.

The list of methods to consider includes but is not limited to:
-- Content Analysis
-- Ethnography
-- Social Network Analysis
-- Interviews and surveys
-- Narratives and biographies
-- Discourse analysis

Interested parties should submit 250-500 word abstract for each paper
or presentation by December 15, 2006 to the organizers:

Lois Ann Scheidt and Inna Kouper
Doctoral Students
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University
lscheidt at indiana dot edu
inkouper at indiana dot edu

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