Corpora: language engineering

Tim Buckwalter tbuckwalter at
Fri Feb 18 01:23:14 UTC 2000

How many "Language Engineers" are there out there, or am I the only one? I
was given this interesting title (and Senior, mind you) when I was hired,
although I expected something more like "Computational Linguist" or
"Corpus-Driven Lexical Statistician." I compile corpora in numerous
languages and generate a variety of word frequency counts, and I work in
collaboration with conventional "Software Engineers": the guys who write
code, especially for embedded systems (check out our website for details).
Perhaps my status is equal to theirs, so I've been promoted to "engineer,"
although my coding is limited to writing Perl scripts. In any case, I'm not
complaining! I noticed that on our Jobs Opportunities page we do use the
term Computational Linguist.

Tim Buckwalter
Senior Language Engineer
Tegic Communications
1000 Dexter Ave N, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98109-3574
direct: 206.268.7552
fax: 206.343.7004
tbuckwalter at
"Language engineering is what a language engineer does."

P.S.: If you are interested in work at Tegic (as a Computational Linguistic
or whatever you wish to call yourself) let me know...

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