Corpora: ACL'2000-Student Workshop-Walker Fund Application

Priscilla Rasmussen rasmusse at
Thu Jul 6 17:25:27 UTC 2000

Student Workshop at ACL-2000 Walker Fund Application
38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
3-6 October, 2000
Hong Kong

Application Deadline: All applications must be received either by post
or by fax at the University of Minnesota by midnight, Aug 4th, 2000.

The Don and Betty Walker International Student Fund was established by
the Executive Committee of the Association for Computational Linguistics
(ACL) to honor the extensive and far-reaching contributions of Don and
Betty Walker both inside and outside the field of computational linguistics.
The fund helps defer travel costs for students to attend meetings in
recognition of the priority that the Walkers have always placed on
making the ACL accessible and welcoming to students and others who for
geographical or financial reasons would otherwise not be able to
participate as fully in ACL activities.


All full- or part-time undergraduate and graduate students from anywhere
in the world who are submitting or have submitted a paper for
presentation to either the regular or student session of the Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics are eligible
to apply. Those whose papers have not been accepted are still eligible
to receive travel funds.


Selected students will receive funds to cover all or part of their
travel costs to attend the ACL meeting.


Preference will be given to those students whose papers are accepted for
presentation. Preference will also be given on the basis of demonstrable

Please print the application form at
and complete all parts. To submit your application, send or fax it to:

c/o Sergei Pakhomov
Department of Linguistics
University of Minnesota,
215 Nolte Center,
315 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone: (612)-835-6546
Fax: (612)-835-9720

Once your application has been recieved, you will be sent a confirmation
by email. If you have any questions, please send email to
pakh0002 at

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