Corpora: Book: Lexicon Development for Speech and Language Processing

Jean Veronis Jean.Veronis at
Fri Jun 9 19:22:44 UTC 2000

**** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK ****

                        KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS
                               Volume 12
              Series editors: Nancy Ide and Jean Véronis

      Lexicon Development for Speech and Language Processing

                             edited by

                           Frank van Eynde
                            Dafydd Gibbon

This book offers a state-of-the-art survey of methods and techniques for
structuring, acquiring and maintaining lexical resources for speech and
language processing.

The first chapter provides a broad survey of the field of computational
lexicography, introducing most of the issues, terms and topics which are
addressed in more detail in the rest of the book. The next two chapters
focus on the structure and the content of man-made lexicons, concentrating
respectively on (morpho-)syntactic and (morpho-)phonological information.
Both chapters adopt a declarative constraint-based methodology and pay
ample attention to the various ways in which lexical generalizations can be
formalized and exploited to enhance the consistency and to reduce the
redundancy of lexicons. A complementary perspective is offered in the next
two chapters, which present techniques for automatically deriving lexical
resources from text corpora. These chapters adopt an inductive
data-oriented methodology and focus also on methods for tokenization,
lemmatization and shallow parsing. The next three chapters focus on speech
synthesis and speech recognition. The last chapter takes a psycholinguistic
perspective and addresses the relation between storage and computation in
the mental lexicon.

The relevance of these topics for speech and language processing is
obvious, for since NLP systems need large lexica in order to achieve
reasonable coverage, and since the construction and maintenance of
large-size lexical resources is a complex and costly task, it is of crucial
importance for those who design or build such systems to be aware of the
latest developments in this fast-moving field.

The intended audience for this book includes advanced students and
professional scientists working in the areas of computational linguistics
and language and speech technology.

Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht

    * Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-6368-X
      April 2000, 298 pp.
      NLG 240.00 / USD 128.00 / GBP 79.00


Contents and Contributors

- Computational Lexicography; D. Gibbon.

- Constraint-Based Lexica; G. Bouma, et al.

- Phonology-Based Lexical Knowledge Representation; L. Cahill, et al.

- Inductive Lexica; W. Daelemans, G. Durieux.

- Recognizing Lexical Patterns in Text; G. Grefenstette, et al.

- Speech Databases; C. Draxler.

- The Use of Lexica in Text-To-Speech Systems; S. Quazza, H.v.d. Heuvel.

- The Use of Lexica in Automatic Speech Recognition; M. Adda-Decker, L. Lamel.

- Morphology in the Mental Lexicon: A Computational Model for Visual Word
Recognition; R.H. Baayen, et al.


                             PREVIOUS VOLUMES

    Volume 1:  Recent Advances in Parsing Technology
               Harry Bunt, Masaru Tomita (Eds.)
               Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4152-X, 1996

    Volume 2:  Corpus-Based Methods in Language and Speech Processing
               Steve Young, Gerrit Bloothooft (Eds.)
               Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4463-4, 1997

    Volume 3:  An introduction to text-to-speech synthesis
               Thierry Dutoit
               Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4498-7, 1997

    Volume 4:  Exploring textual data
               Ludovic Lebart, André Salem and Lisette Berry
               Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4840-0, December 1997

    Volume 5:  Time Map Phonology:
               Finite State Models and Event Logics in Speech
               Julie Carson-Berndsen
               Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4883-4, 1997

    Volume 6:  Predicative Forms in Natural Language and in
               Lexical Knowledge Bases
               Patrick Saint-Dizier (Ed.)
               Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5499-0, December 1998

    Volume 7:  Natural Language Information Retrieval
               Tomek Strzalkowski (Ed.)
               Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5685-3, April 1999

    Volume 8:  Techniques in Speech Acoustics
               Jonathan Harrington, Steve Cassidy
               Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5731-0, July 1999

    Volume 9:  Syntactic Wordclass Tagging
               Hans van Halteren (Ed.)
               Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5896-1, August 1999

    Volume 10: Breadth and Depth of Semantic Lexicons
               Viegas, E. (Ed.)
               Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-6039-7, November 1999

    Volume 11: Natural Language Processing Using Very Large Corpora
               Armstrong, S., Church, K.W., Isabelle, P.,
               Manzi, S., Tzoukermann, E., Yarowsky, D. (Eds.)
               Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-6055-9, November 1999

Check the series Web page for order information:


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