Corpora: Collaborative effort

Burnard Towers lou.burnard at
Sun Jun 11 17:37:18 UTC 2000

Jem, the only trouble with this procedure (which I will watch with great
interest) is the high likelihood that you will have a skewed sample of
respondents. Isnt there a risk that you are doing the equivalent of
carrying our a referendum on whether or not we should abolish foxhunting at
the Tory party conference? This is not to cast any aspersion on the
lexicographical skills of corpora-readers -- au contraire, they are if
anything likely to be *too* good at the job to provide a good sample.  How
will you ensure that you dont get answers only from people whose sole
raison d'etre is to slice semantic hairs (err, start semantic hares?)

but good luck anyway!

>From The Desktop at Burnard Towers

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