Corpora: Lectureship

Mcenery, Tony eiaamme at
Wed Jun 28 11:04:45 UTC 2000

Dear All,

below an ad for a lectureship. Sorry if any of you receive this more than once.



Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language, Lancaster University

Lecturer in Computational Corpus Linguistics

?17,238 - ?22,579 (pay award pending)

This three-year post, available from 1st September 2000, offers the opportunity
to join a priority research area in a friendly and forward looking department
currently rated RAE 4.

You should be willing to take a leading role in UCREL, a cross-disciplinary
University Research Centre in corpus linguistics shared with the Department of
Computing. You will be keen to attract new funded research projects to the
Department and be able to contribute to our on-going research programmes. You
should be able to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

You should have, or be near the completion of, a PhD degree.

Informal enquiries to: Dr Tony McEnery (a.mcenery at

For application details see or
apply to Personnel Services, quoting reference A370 on 01524 846549
(answerphone), email: personnel at
Closing date: 21 July 2000

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