Corpora: corpus analysis: learners' compositions

vicky man vickyman at
Tue Mar 7 10:10:22 UTC 2000

Dear all,

I'd like to do an error analysis of ESL learners' compositions. Since
I'm new to corpus analysis, I'd very much appreciate your help with the

a)  how could I access the TOSCA tagset manual?  is it available online?
b)  could any one of you suggest a Windows-based POS tagger (preferably
a freely downloadable one) for my purpose?
c)  would WordSmith be able to read tags generated by TOSCA?

I'd be very grateful for your expert answers and suggestions to my above

all the best, Vicky

Vicky Man
Language Centre
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
Hong Kong

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