Corpora: FW: Articles on the subject of word sense disambiguation.

Wietze Helmantel w.helmantel at
Wed May 31 11:37:59 UTC 2000

Dear members,

Something very annoying happened. All replies to my previous email are gone
since my mailbox crashed without hope of restoring anything. I therefore
cannot even thank all of you for replying. My question:

Could you dig up your reply to my previous email from your 'sent items' and
forward them to me once more?

I'd be really, really grateful...

Kind regards,
Wietze Helmantel

Faculty of Arts
University of Groningen

-----Original Message-----
From: Wietze Helmantel [mailto:w.helmantel at]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 12:39 PM
To: Corpora Discussions
Subject: Articles on the subject of word sense disambiguation.

Dear members,

For my master thesis, I am still gathering articles on the subject of word
sense disambiguation. Particularly those describing possible techniques and
difficulties encountered when using them. If available could you please send
me some interesting links on the subject or the articles themselves? Since I
am using a cable connection for retrieving my mail, the size of these files
doesn't really matter.

Thanks in advance,
Wietze Helmantel.

Faculty of Arts
University of Groningen

  Phone: +31 (0) 651 495976
  Wisdom Assen BV
  P.O. Box 116
  9400 AC Assen
  The Netherlands
  Phone: +31 (0) 592 305000

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