Corpora: Vacant academic position

Granger Sylviane granger at
Wed Oct 18 19:18:17 UTC 2000

The Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) is officially announcing a 
full time academic position.

As Director of the Research Centre for Natural Language Processing at the 
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, you will be responsible for:
-       Organising the centre and related activities
-       Directing and  running a team of  IT personnel
-       Developing research projects in the Faculty in collaboration with 
the centre's scientific committee
-       Developing the centre's technical expertise in compiling and 
analysing electronic linguistic resources (written and spoken text corpora, 
lexica, grammars and terminological data necessary for natural language 
processing, multilingual resources/processing). Key activities will include 
database compilation (lexica, grammars and corpora), software development 
(lemmatization, tagging and parsing, etc.) and statistical analysis.
-       Keeping abreast of developments in the field of computational 
linguistics, guiding the activities of the centre and personnel accordingly 
and ensuring that new developments are reflected in Faculty research projects.
-       Teaching computational linguistics, in particular with relation to 
the fields outlined above.

-       PhD (or equivalent) combined with recognised expertise and/or a 
qualification in computational linguistics
-       Thorough knowledge of programming languages, web technologies and 
operating systems
-       Experience in research and team work
-       Scientific publications in the field
-       Good command of French and English

More information is available at:

(post reference: FLTR 2001/01)

Professor Sylviane Granger
Université Catholique de Louvain
Centre for English Corpus Linguistics
Collège Erasme
Place Blaise Pascal 1
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Fax: + 3210474942

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