Corpora: Chomsky and corpus linguistics

James L. Fidelholtz jfidel at
Thu Apr 26 02:25:42 UTC 2001

On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, Amanda Schiffrin wrote:


>I've always seen the Generative vs. Corpus Linguistics debate
>as analogous to Top Down vs. Bottom Up approaches (in Computing
>for instance), or Cognitive Modelling vs. Behaviourism (in 
>Psychology).  Surely one is just as valid as the other? 
>(There's nothing like living on the edge, making statements
>like that around here... ;-)


	I'll have to ruminate a bit over your other similes, but you
sure as heck won't get any nice words out of me about behaviorism!  I
guess, despite all my general receptiveness to others' ideas, I'm enough
of a dyed-in-the-wool generativist to put my foot down there.


James L. Fidelholtz			e-mail: jfidel at
Posgrado en Ciencias del Lenguaje	tel.: +(52-2)229-5500 x5705
Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades	fax: +(01-2) 229-5681
Benemιrita Universidad Autσnoma de Puebla, MΙXICO

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