Corpora: RANLP-2001: Call for participation

Galia Angelova galia at
Thu Aug 16 07:27:31 UTC 2001

(apologies if received multiple times!)

                 Recent Advances in NLP (RANLP2001)
             Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 5-7 September 2001
           Supported by the European Commission, DGXII,
Human Potential Programme,High Level Scientific Conferences,
                  Contract number HPCF-2000-00329

                              Main Local Organisers:

Central Laboratory for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
                           (BIS-21 Center of Excellence)
          The Bulgarian Association for Computational Linguistics

                     MorphoLogic, Budapest, Hungary
           OntoText Lab., Sirma AI Ltd, Sofia, Bulgaria

The conference will be preceeded by two days tutorials (3-4 September)

        Walter Daelemans (University of Antwerp / Tilburg University),
        Graeme Hirst (University of Toronto),
        Eduard Hovy (ISI, USC),
        Martin Kay (Xerox Parc),
        Kemal Oflazer (Sabanci University),
        James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University)

Wednesday, September 5th, 2001
9.00-10.00  Invited talk Eduard Hovy

Morning session 1a
10.00-10.30: Parsing and GLARFing, Adam Meyers, Michiko Kosaka, Satoshi
Sekine, Ralph Grishman and Shubin Zhao
10.30-11.00: Phrasal Parsing by Using Data-Driven PoS Taggers, Beáta Megyesi

Morning session 1b, parallel to morning session 1a
Text classification
10.00-10.30: Two-level self-organizing approach to text classification,
Ioannis Triantafyllou, Iason Demiros and Stelios Piperidis
10.30-11.00: Boosting Trees for Anti-Spam Email Filtering, Xavier Carreras
and Lluís Márquez

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

Morning session 2a.
11.30-11.55: Adapting the Generalized Upper Model to Spanish, Mª del
Socorro Bernardos Galindo and Guadalupe Aguado de Cea
11.55-12.20: Towards Building Bulgarian WordNet, Toma Nikolov and
Krassimira Petrova
12.20-12.45: Integrating Generic and Specialized Wordnets, Bernardo Magnini
and Manuela Speranza

Morning session 2b, parallel to morning session 2a.
11.30-11.55: Extraction of semantic representations from syntactic CMU link
grammar linkages, Ian Marshall and Eva Safar
11.55-12.20: Unifying semantic relations across syntatic levels, Vivi
Nastase and Stan Szpakowicz
12.20-12.45: An Unsupervised Semantic Tagger Applied to German, Paul
Buitelaar, Jan Alexandersson, Tilman Jaeger, Stephan Lesch, Norbert Pfleger
and Diana Raileanu

12.45-14.30 Lunch

14.30-15.30 Invited talk Graeme Hirst

Afternoon session 1a
Anaphora and coreference I
15.30-16.00: A Methodology for Cross-Document Coreference Over Degraded
Data Sources, Amit Bagga, Breck Baldwin, and Ganesh Ramesh
16.00-16.30: Anaphoric Cues for Coherence Relations, Udo Hahn

Afternoon session 1b, parallel to afternoon session 1a
15.30-16.00: Distribution-oriented extension of WordNet's ontological
framework, Wim Peters and Yorick Wilks
16.00-16.30: OntoMap or How to Choose Upper-Model in One Day, Atanas
Kiryakov, Kiril Simov and Marin Dimitrov

16.30-17.00 Coffee Break

Afternoon session 2a
Anaphora and coreference II
17.00-17.30: Semantic-driven Algorithm for Definite Description Resolution,
Rafael Muñoz and Manuel Palomar
17.30-18.00: Automatic learning and resolution of anaphora, Catalina Barbu

Afternoon session 2b, parallel to afternoon session 2a
Semantics, Knowledge
17.00-17.30: Integrating Multiple Knowledge for Robust Semantic Parsing,
Jordi Atserias, Lluís Padró and German Rigau
17.30-18.00: Plurals, Time, and World Knowledge, Françoise Gayral, Daniel
Kayser and François Lévy

20.00 Conference Reception

Thursday, September 6th, 2001

9.00-10.00 Invited talk Martin Kay

Morning session 1a
10.00-10.30: Weighting functions impact on LSA performance, Plamen Mateev,
Preslav Nakov and Antonia Popova
10.30-11.00: Novel Properties and Well-Tried Performance of EM-Based
Multivariate Clustering, Detlef Prescher

Morning session 1b, parallel to morning session 1a
Computer-aided language learning
10.00-10.30: Between linguistic semantics and domain knowledge in CALL,
Galia Angelova, Svetla Boytcheva, Ognian Kalaydjiev and Albena Strupchanska
10.30-11.00: Transformation-Based Learning of Danish Grammar Correction,
Daniel Hardt

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

Morning session 2a
Text Summarisation, Question Answering, Parsing
11.30-11.55: Machine Learning Methods for Text Summarization, Iason
Demiros, Harris Papageorgiou, Byron Georgantopoulos and Stelios Piperidis
11.55-12.20: SHAPAQA: Shallow Parsing for Question Answering on the World
Wide Web, Sabine Buchholz and Walter Daelemans
12.20-12.45: Chunking + Island-Driven Parsing = Full Parsing, Alicia Ageno
and Horacio Rodriguez

Morning session 2b, parallel to morning session 2a
Grammar, semantics
11.30-11.55: Learning Grammar Weights Using Genetic Algorithms, Ingo
Schröder, Horia Pop, Wolfgang Menzel and Kilian Foth
11.55-12.20: SCALP: A System for Computational Processing of Verbal
Polysemy, Karim Chibout and Anne Vilnat
12.20-12.50: Duality of Syntax and Semantics - From the View Point of Brain
as a Quantum Computer, Joseph C.H. Chen and Manfred Kudlek

12.45/50-14.30 Lunch

14.30-15.30 Invited talk Kemal Oflazer

Afternoon session 1a
Dialogue, Hypertext
15.30-15.55: Robust dialogue understanding in HERALD, Vincenzo Pallotta and
Afzal Ballim
15.55-16.20: Empirical Studies for the Design and Evaluation of Adaptive
Hypertext, Kalina Bontcheva

Afternoon session 1b, parallel to afternoon session 1a
15.30-15.55: Predicting Translations in Context, Jörg Tiedemann
15.55-16.20: The Architecture of an English-Text-to-Sign-Languages
Translation System, Eva Safar and Ian Marshall

16.20-16.50 Coffee Break

16.50-18.00 Poster session

Friday, September 7th, 2001
9.00-10.00 Invited talk James Pustejovsky

Morning session 1a
Named Entity Recognition, Term Extraction
10.00-10.30: Named Entity Recognition from Diverse Text Types, Diana
Maynard, Valentin Tablan, Cristian Ursu, Hamish Gunningham and Yorick Wilks
10.30-11.00: Modelling the syntactic contextual information for term
extraction, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, R. Bazili and M. Pazienza

Morning session 1b, parallel to morning session 1a
Grammars, Formalisms
10.00-10.30: Polynominal tree-substitution grammars, Jean-Cédric Chappelier
and Martin Rajman
10.30-11.00: Efficient Indexing for Typed Feature Structures, Thilo Goetz,
Robin Lougee-Heimer and Nicolas Nicolov

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

Morning session 2a.
Question Answering
11.30-12.00: Document selection refinement based on linguistic features for
QALC, a Question Answering system, Brigitte Grau, Martine Hurault-Plantet,
Gabriel Illouz and Christian Jacquemin
12.00-12.30: The question Where? - A question of distances, Nicolas Denand
and Monique Rolbert

Morning session 2b, parallel to morning session 2a.
Part-of-speech tagging, discourse
11.30-12.00: Integrating external dictionaries into stochastic
part-of-speech taggers, Jorge Graña Gil, Jean-Cedric Chappelier and Manuel
Vilares Ferro
12.00-12.30: Any: the hearer's role in discourse update, Helen Gaylard and
Allan Ramsay

12.30-14.30 Lunch

14.30-15.30 Invited talk Walter Daelemans

15.30-16.40 Poster session

16.40-17.10 Coffee Break

Industrial advances in NLP in Central and Eastern Europe
17.10-17.35: MorphoLogic (Hungary), Gabor Proszeky
17.35-18.00: Rila Solution (USA-Bulgaria), Stoyan Mihov

16.40: Closing
For more information please visit

Looking forward to welcome you in Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria

Galia Angelova, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Linguistic Modelling Department
Central Laboratory for Parallel Processing
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
25A Acad. G. Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria,
tel. (+3592) 979 6607,

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