Corpora: Syntactic parsers for morphologically rich languages

Alexander Mikhailian mikhailian at
Sat Jan 13 23:58:15 UTC 2001


I am looking for information on syntactic parsers for morphologically rich,
preferably also highly flective languages.

I am particularly interested in papers and/or software implementations that:

1. Deal with the fact that the number of POS tags for such a language
would be much bigger than for English - suppose, some thousands of POS tags
which would render the grammar quite complicated even at the level of noun and
verb groups. This is of course true only if parsing is based on the same
algorithms that are commonly applied to English.

2. Deal with the free or loosely restricted word order which is often
proper for such languages. While relatively simple shift-reduce parsers are
often sufficent for English, morphologically rich languages require more
powerful techniques.

Thanks in advance,

Alexander Mikhailian

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