Corpora: Research Post

Michael Pacey mikep at
Tue Jun 19 09:18:16 UTC 2001

Job Description for a Post in the Research and Development Unit for
English Studies, University of Liverpool:

The University of Liverpool

Research and Development Unit for English Studies


Initial salary within the range	16,775 - 22,245 p.a. (under review)

A software developer, perhaps a recent graduate, is sought to join a
small, dynamic team of researchers working on innovative corpus
linguistic applications for the language and NLP communities. The post
requires solid C/C++ and Perl programming skills, and a good
understanding of the nature of the English Language. It will initially
run for 2 years, and relates primarily to two EPSRC-funded research
projects concerning the extraction of linguistic information from the
World Wide Web ( and the retrieval of
related documents from textual databases. Experience with WWW
programming, Unix tools, CGI programming and information
retrieval/search-engine technology is preferable.

Quote Ref: A/943                        Closing date: 29 June 2001

Further particulars and details of the application procedure should be requested
from the Director of Personnel, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX
on 0151 794 2210 (24 hr answerphone) or via email: jobs at

Web site at

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