Corpora: NLP book series

Ruslan Mitkov R.Mitkov at
Thu May 17 05:35:11 UTC 2001


As previously announced,  John Benjamins Publishers
launched a new book series on Natural Language Processing as
a timely response to the growing demand for NLP literature.
The first book of the series which covers Computational
Pragmatics and is edited by H. Bunt and B. Black (see below),
came out several months ago; a volume on Computational
Terminology edited by D. Bourigault, C. Jacquemin and
M.C. L’Homme as well as a monograph on automatic
summarisation by I. Mani will appear soon.

The editor of the book series is Ruslan Mitkov (R.Mitkov at;
managing editor at John Benjamins is Kees Vaes  (kees.vaes at
See for more details.

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Abduction, Belief and Context in Dialogue.
Studies in computational pragmatics.

BUNT, Harry and William BLACK (eds.)

Natural Language Processing 1
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Table of contents

The ABC of Computational Pragmatics
   Harry Bunt and Bill Black

The activity-based approach to pragmatics
   Jens Allwood

Dialogue pragmatics and context specification
   Harry Bunt

Pragmatics in language understanding and cognitively motivated architectures
   Gerard Sabah

Dialogue analysis using layered protocols
   Martin Taylor and David Waugh

Coherence and structure in text and discourse
   Gisela Redeker

Discourse focus tracking
    David Carter

Speech act theory and epistemic planning
   Allan Ramsay

Context and form: declarative or interrogative, that is the question
   Robert-Jan Beun

The doxastic-epistemic force of declarative utterance
   Elias Thijsse

A conceptual modelling approach to the implementation of beliefs and intentions
   Ralph Meyer

Abduction or induction: a real distinction?
   Philip Neal

Laconic discourses and total eclipses: abduction in DICE
   Jon Oberlander and Alex Lascarides

Abductive reasoning with knowledge bases or context modelling
   Ahmed Guessoum and John Gallagher

Abductive speech act recognition, corporate agents and the COSMA system
   Elizabeth Hinkelman and Stephen Spackman;

\\\ Ruslan Mitkov, PhD
/// Professor of Computational Linguistics and Language Engineering
\\\ School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences
/// University of Wolverhampton
\\\ Stafford St.
/// Wolverhampton WV1 1SB
\\\ United Kingdom
/// Telephone (44-1902) 322471
\\\ Fax (44-1902) 322739
/// Email R.Mitkov at
\\\ Website

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