Corpora: IWPT'01

Harry Bunt Harry.Bunt at
Tue May 22 12:43:06 UTC 2001


                  C a l l   f o r   P a p e r s

                            IWPT 2001

        7th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies

                     Sponsored by ACL/SIGPARSE

                        17-19 October, 2001
                          Beijing, China



The Institute of  Computational Linguistics, Peking University, Beijing,
China, will host the  7th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
(IWPT'01) from 17 to 19 October, 2001.

IWPT'01  continues  the  tradition  of  biennial  workshops  on  parsing
technology organised by SIGPARSE,  the Special Interest Group on Parsing
of the  Association for Computational Linguistics  (ACL).  This workshop
series was initiated  by Masaru Tomita in 1989.   The first workshop, in
Pittsburgh  and  Hidden Valley,  was  followed  by  workshops in  Cancun
(Mexico) in  1991; Tilburg (Netherlands)  and Durbuy (Belgium)  in 1993;
Prague  and  Karlovy Vary  (Czech  Republic)  in 1995;  Boston/Cambridge
(Massachusetts) in 1997; and Trento (Italy) in 2000.

Topics of interest for IWPT'01

Topics  of  interest  for  IWPT'01  include, but  are  not  limited  to:
theoretical  and practical  studies  of parsing  algorithms for  natural
language sentences,  texts, fragments, dialogues,  ill-formed sentences,
speech input, multi-dimensional  (pictorial) languages, multimedia (web)
documents,  and  parsing  issues  arising  or  viewed  in  a  multimodal
context. Both grammar-based and statistical approaches are welcome.

Submitting Papers

Two types of submissions are invited:

- full papers,  to be presented  as such during  the workshop and  to be
  published in  the workshop proceedings  (maximally 12 pages);

- short papers, to be presented at  the workshop in the form of a poster
  plus a  summary oral presentation  in a short-paper  session; two-page
  summaries will be published in the workshop proceedings.

Prospective authors are invited to send their submissions to the IWPT'01
programme  chairman  Giorgio  Satta.   (See  below  for  formatting  and
submission instructions.) Full papers  should not exceed 12 pages; short
papers  should not  exceed 8  pages.  Submission  is  electronically, in
postscript form.  Only in case electronic submission is impossible, four
(4) hard copies of the paper should be sent. Send papers to:

        iwpt2001 at

        Giorgio Satta (IWPT'01 programme chair)
	Universita` di Padova
	Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica
	via Gradenigo 6/A
	I-35131 Padova, Italy

Time schedule: Deadline for paper submission: June 5
               Notification of acceptance   : July 18
               Final papers due             : August 27

Instruction for authors

Detailed  formatting   and  submission  instructions   for  authors  are
available through the IWPT'01 home page at:

or can be obtained from the programme chairman (see address above).

Programme Committee

All submitted papers  will be reviewed by (or  under the supervision of)
the  international  IWPT'01   Programme  Committee,  consisting  of  the
following members:

Shuo Bai (Ministry of Information Industry, China)
Eric Brill (Microsoft Research, USA)
Harry Bunt (Tilburg University, Netherlands)
Bob Carpenter (SpeechWorks International Inc., USA)
John Carroll (University of Sussex, UK)
Ken Church (AT&T Labs Research, USA)
Mark Johnson (Brown University, USA)
Aravind Joshi (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Ronald Kaplan (Xerox PARC, USA)
Martin Kay (Xerox PARC, USA)
Sadao Kurohashi (Kyoto University, Japan)
Alon Lavie (Carnegie-Mellon University, USA)
Yuji Matsumoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
Paola Merlo (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Mark-Jan Nederhof (DFKI, Germany)
Anton Nijholt (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Christer Samuelsson (Inzigo, Canada)
Giorgio Satta (University of Padua, Italy) (chair)
Satoshi Sekine (New York University, USA)
Virach Sornlertlamvanich (NECTEC, Thailand)
Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Oliviero Stock (ITC-IRST, Italy)
Hozumi Tanaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Masaru Tomita (Keio University, Japan)
Hans Uszkoreit (DFKI and Univeritat des Saarlandes, Germany)
Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie (INRIA, France)
Vijay-Shanker (University of Delaware, USA)
David Weir (University of Sussex, UK)
Mats Wiren (Telia Research, Sweden)
Dekai Wu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)
Tiejun Zhao (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)


General Chair:
  Harry Bunt (Tilburg University, Netherlands)
Programme Chair:
  Giorgio Satta (University of Padua, Italy)
Local Organizing Committee:
  Fuliang Weng (ICRC/Intel Corp, Beijing, China, Co-Chair)
  Shiwen Yu    (Peking University, Beijing, China, Co-Chair)
  Youqi Cao    (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
  Qunxiu Chen  (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)
  Houfeng Wang (Secretariat, wanghf at, Peking University, China)

Further information

Additional information about IWPT'01 is available at the URL:

At the site you can also obtain
information about previous IWPTs, proceedings, books based on IWPTs, and
SIGPARSE related activities.


 Harry C. Bunt
 Professor of Linguistics and Computer Science
 Tilburg University
 P.O. Box 90153
 5000 LE Tilburg, the Netherlands
 Phone: +31 - 13 466.3060 (secretary Anne Andriaensen)
                     2568 (Dean's office)
                     2653 (office, room B 310)
 Fax: +31 - 13 466.3110
 Harry.Bunt at

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