Corpora: Italian corpora

Damalfieri damalfieri at
Sun May 27 08:44:09 UTC 2001

Dear all,

this is a little question but very important for my thesis.
I am trying to get the names of all italian corpora available and their

I already know about:

LIP (Lessico italiano parlato), that I have on some diskettes of simple text
separate files, but without the program to run them.

LIR (Lessico italiano radiofonico) I only know that it was planned.

LIZ (Letteratura Italiana Zanichelli) I know it was commercialy sold on
different cdroms.

Il Narratore, a site containing audio/text of a number of literature.

Progetto Manunzio, a site that gives the opportunity to search concordances
from a database of italian texts.

I am pretty sure that there are more out there. Can anyone help? Thanks in

Davide Martini

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