Corpora: ICE-GB coding

Dagmar Barth-Weingarten barth at
Wed Sep 12 12:02:09 UTC 2001

Dear subscribers,

not receiving any answer from the ICE-GB people, I was wondering whether
anyone on the list could help:

The parsed version of ICE-GB contains a category "detached function elements".
Would anyone know what exactly the coding criteria were for this category?

I'd be grateful for any information and references.

Dagmar Barth-Weingarten
Dagmar Barth-Weingarten
Germanistisches Institut
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Luisenstr. 2
06099 Halle/Sa.
Tel. +49-(0)345-55 23 621
FAX  +49-(0)345-55 27 107
e-mail: barth at

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