Corpora: latin/south america?

Santos Diana Diana.Santos at
Thu Sep 20 11:42:38 UTC 2001

Dear Ted,
First, information:
We maintain an extensive list of actors in the area of Computational
processing of Portuguese in our site, which should represent Brazil rather
well on the subject of computational linguistics.
Even if you don't understand Portuguese, it would be a simple matter to
check whether URLs end in .pt or .br, and start from there.

Catálogo de Actores-> Grupos, centros e institutos (for research groups);
Catálogo de Actores-> Páginas pessoais (for individual researchers'

Second, opinion:
I think it makes more sense to do "linguistically determined" ACL
subchapters than regional/areal ones. I have more in common with Latin
American Computational Linguistics (especially Brazilian) than European ones
(in terms of the problems addressed and resources needed - basically, in
terms of the languages which are the object of study as well as

Wouldn't it be more relevant (for an international scientific association as
ACL, not for funding agencies...) to have an overview e.g of Portuguese
processing, Spanish processing, South American Indian languages processing,
... irrespective of where the researchers sit?

Best greetings,

Diana Santos			Computational processing of Portuguese

SINTEF Telecom & Informatics	Tel. (direct line) +47 22 06 73 12
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Diana.Santos at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ruslan Mitkov [mailto:R.Mitkov at]
> Sent: 20. september 2001 01:19
> To: tpederse at; CORPORA at HD.UIB.NO
> Cc: tpederse at
> Subject: Re: Corpora: latin/south america?
> Ted,
> Some time ago, Yorick Wilks, David Farwell and myself wanted to
> draw up such a list. 
> I suggest you cantact David Farwell (New Mexico)
> A person who could give you more info on NLP and MT in Brasil is
> Prof Johann Haller hans at
> Manolo Palomar (Alicante) could be of help as well.
> Ruslan
> At 11:09 19/09/2001 -0500, Ted Pedersen wrote:
> >
> >Greetings,
> >
> >I am trying to identify people in Computational Linguistics 
> and Natural
> >Language Processing who work in Latin and South America. If 
> you are aware of 
> >anyone who fits this description, (or if it fits you!) would 
> you be so kind 
> >as to send me a note with a name and email address?
> >
> >I am contacting such folks on behalf of the North American 
> Chapter of the 
> >Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL) in an 
> effort to increase 
> >participation in those regions. I'm also hoping to get a 
> very general sense 
> >of the "state of the profession" in Latin and South America.
> >
> >Thanks very much for any help you can offer.
> >
> >Best,
> >Ted
> >
> >PS I can correspond in Spanish or English, and may have 
> someone who can
> >help me with Portuguese, so language shouldn't be too much 
> of an obstacle.
> >
> >---
> >Ted Pedersen
> >
> >
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> >

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