Corpora: POS tagger

David Grant drg199 at
Tue Apr 30 14:44:33 UTC 2002


I'm not sure of the accuracy of this tagger, but it can be trained to work with any language.  It's a java program, so can be used on windows, UNIX, or Mac.  The program is called QTag, and can be found at the following link.

David Grant

drg199 at
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Nicole Baumgarten 
  To: corpora at 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 3:29 PM
  Subject: Corpora: POS tagger

  Dear all,

  does anybody know of an automatic, plus-99 per cent accuracy (utopia?), unidiosyncratic, easy-to-apply POS tagger that can handle German, English (French, Spanish) and works in an ordinary Windows environment?
  ANY ideas are greatly appreciated!

  All the best

  Nicole Baumgarten
  SFB 538 Mehrsprachigkeit
  Covert Translation
  Max-Brauer-Allee 60
  22765 Hamburg
  nicole.baumgarten at
  ++49-40-42838 6453

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