Corpora: Is corpus phonetics a part of corpus linguistics?

Yuri Tambovtsev yutamb at
Fri Jan 4 13:27:42 UTC 2002

Dear colleagues, recently there was a discussion what the corpus linguistics is. Some scholars wanted to write a deskbook on corpus linguistics. I noticed that many linguists understand it in a narrow way: just as corpus lexicology, rather than corpus linguistics. I propose to consider corpus phonetics as a part of corpus linguistics. By corpus phonetics I understand the part of corpus linguistics which studies phonetical features that become transparent when the text in some language is long enough. I have computed many long texts in different languages. It allowed me to obtain some interesting typological results on the one hand and corpus results on the other hand. If the text is not long enough, one can't obtain corpus phonetics results. I'd like the colleagues in the field of corpus linguistics to share their ideas if one should include corpus phonetics in corpus linguistics or if corpus linguistics should include only corpus lexicology and corpus syntax? If not, how should long transcription texts be called? Why not corpus phonetics? Looking forward to your answers to my email address yutamb at Yours sincerely Yuri Tambovtsev, Novosibirsk Ped.University, Russia
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