[Corpora-List] Call for Participation: Roadmap Workshop at COLONG2002

Steven Krauwer steven.krauwer at let.uu.nl
Tue Jul 2 09:55:01 UTC 2002

                           CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                  A Roadmap for Computational Linguistics

                   Saturday, August 31 2002, 09:00-17:30

                  Workshop in conjunction with COLING 2002
              (August 24 - September 1, 2002, Taipei, Taiwan)

                            Organized by ELSNET


   ELSNET is the European Network of Excellence in Human Language
   Technologies, which was created in 1991, with a view to supporting and
   facilitating research, development and training in the field of
   language and speech technologies and related areas. The network funded
   by the European Commission, but its scope is not limited to Europe.
   This workshop should be seen as a step in ELSNET's aim to build a
   roadmap for language and speech technology. It is one of a number of
   workshops of this type that have been and will be organised in order
   to arrive at a broadly supported roadmap for our field, which should
   help us identifying major challenges, setting research priorities and
   defining common goals. At this workshop we will
     * confront the audience with the approach and the results of
       ELSNET's roadmapping exercise thus far;
     * invite participants to give their own presentation of what they
       see as the main longer term challenges and internmediate
       milestones in our field as well as their strategies to meet these
     * organise a discussion session aimed at reaching a consensus on
       what the main challenges and priorities are.

   As a special feature we are inviting a number of rapporteurs to have a
   critical look at the papers presented at the various thematic sessions
   of the main conference, with a view to relating them to the main
   challenges and milestones: do we spot new challenges, new milestones,
   new strategies, new directions, regional differences, etc. All reports
   and summaries of discussions will be integrated in ELSNET's Roadmap,
   and given wide distribution via ELSNET's communication channels
   (website, newsletter, discussion forums, etc).

   ** NB: the invitation to act as a rapporteur is still open!!! **
   **     check the workshop site for details (and your reward)  **


   Please note that the selection of areas for the area reports is
   tentative, and will depend on the actual areas covered by the

   Time  Activity                 [ Speaker(s) ]
   09:00 Opening and Introduction [ Steven Krauwer (ELSNET) ]
   09:20 The ELSNET Roadmap       [ Hans Uszkoreit (DFKI) ]
   09:50 Area report 1: Language Resources
   10:10 Area report 2: Parsing
   10:30      BREAK
   11:00 Talk 1: Why NLP should move into IAS
                 [ Victor Raskin, Sergei Nirenburg, Mikhail J. Atallah,
                   Christian F. Hempelmann, Katrina E. Triezenberg ]
   11:20 Area report 3: Generation
   11:40 Area report 4: Morphology and Syntax
   12:00 Area report 5: Semantics
   12:20      LUNCH
   13:30 Talk 2: MEANING: A Roadmap to Knowledge Technologies
                 [ Eneko Agirre, German Rigau, Bernardo Magnini,
                   Piek Vossen, John Carroll ]
   13:50 Area report 6: Information Retrieval and Extraction
   14:10 Area report 7: Machine Translation
   14:30 Area report 8: Multimodality
   14:50 Area report 9: Dialogue and Discourse
   15:10 Area report 10: Asian Language Processing
   15:30      BREAK
   16:00 Discussion & work: What does the roadmap for computational
                            linguistics look like?
                            [ Steven Krauwer, Hans Uszkoreit ]
   17:15 Summary            [ Steven Krauwer ]
   17:30      CLOSING


   A workshop of this type will be most appealing to people who are
   interested in developing longer term strategic views, e.g. senior
   scientists in charge of longer term research policies (both in
   academia and in industry), but also researchers and developers who
   have specific views on what will happen or what should happen, should
   feel invited to attend and contribute, as well as people who are
   responsible for the education of future generartions of researchers
   and developers.


   Registration details and other information can be found on the main
   conference website:
   The URL for this workshop is


   Steven Krauwer (Chair),        steven.krauwer at let.uu.nl
   ELSNET / Utrecht University    http://www.elsnet.org
   Trans 10                       phone: +31 30 253 6050
   3512 JK UTRECHT, NL            fax: +31 30 253 6000

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