Corpora: corpus linguistics course

Beatrice Vautherin beatrice.vautherin at
Fri Mar 15 16:41:17 UTC 2002

Dear list members,
I am seeking advice on the best way to organize a corpus linguistics course 
in my English department. Starting in february 2003, 2 hours every other 
week for 12 to 13 weeks (that is our second semester) so about twelve hours 
altogether. I can have a computer room with 10-12 PCs.
I would like to know what corpora and what tools to buy (my BNC-World 
failed to install and I sent the CDs back). Of course the less money I ask 
for, the happier my head of department will be. Still I want the students 
to have hands-on sessions with software that runs smoothly so as not to put 
them off corpus linguistics for ever. They are second-year students in 
France (Paris-Sorbonne Nouvelle) studying for a degree in English.
Thanks for your help. I will post a summary of the numerous replies I receive.
Beatrice Vautherin

Béatrice VAUTHERIN, Maître de Conférences
Université Paris 3-SORBONNE NOUVELLE
Institut du Monde Anglophone
13 rue Santeuil 75231 Paris Cedex O5
Tel Centre Censier et boîte vocale 33 (0)1 45 87 48 12

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