Nancy Ide ide at cs.vassar.edu
Wed Nov 6 18:01:01 UTC 2002

EACL 2003 Workshop


Language Technology and the Semantic Web
3rd Workshop on NLP and XML (NLPXML-2003)


Within the NLP community, XML is accepted as the standard for data
representation, especially for purposes of interchange and software
interoperability. However, XML and the standards that surround it (XML
schemas, XSL and XSLT, etc.) not only provide a standard representation
format, but, more abstractly, also define a modeling language that has
important ramifications for the ways in which we organize data,
annotations, software architecture, etc. In addition, the Resource
Definition Framework (RDF) and the Semantic Web define an overall
architecture for resources of all kinds whose eventual implications for
natural language processing are less well understood within the NLP

The goal of this workshop is two-fold: (1) to provide a forum for
presentation and discussion of the use of XML and related standards
(RDF, OWL, etc.) in NLP (including resource and software development,
applications, tools, etc.); and (2) to clarify the "big picture" for
NLP applications and resources vis a vis the XML framework and
development of the Semantic Web. As such, the workshop is intended not
only for those already using XML, but also members of the NLP community
who seek a fuller understanding of the motivations and implications of
XML, the Semantic Web, and related standards for the field.

Rather than arguing the overall merits and possibilities of the
Semantic Web, the workshop is intended to focus on the more technical
aspects of its use and implementation. The workshop will include
invited presentations that will cover in some depth the
XML/RDF/OWL/Semantic Web architecture and attempt to identify the
interactions among various activities (resource creation and
annotation, application development, etc.) as well as the potential
interactions with the RDF and Semantic Web layers. The number of
presented papers will be limited to allow ample time for discussion and
comment after each. This format should provide a forum for interaction
among members of possibly disparate research communities, and a means
for attendees to increase their knowledge and understanding of the
complexity of Semantic Web technologies.

This workshop will be the third in a series, following on from the
first NLPXML Workshop held at NLPRS 2001 in Tokyo, Japan and the second
at COLING 2002 in Taipei, Taiwan. The purpose of the workshop series is
to enable communication and cooperative development of XML/Semantic Web
practices and standards for language resource creation and use,
application development, etc.



We invite submissions on (but not necessarily limited to) the following

- concrete examples of the use XML, RDF, OWL and the
   Semantic Web for NLP resources and applications
- XML/RDF/OWL use for linguistic annotation, including
   overall data architecture, implications for editorial
   practices, linkage mechanisms and issues for NLP data,
- use of XML, RDF and OWL in Semantic Web-based question
   answering and document generation applications
- definition of data models and data categories for NLP
   using XML, RDF, OWL
- XML/RDF-based standards for NLP and language resources
- use of XML mechanisms (schemas, XSL, XSLT, links, etc.)
   in specific applications/resources
- XML/RDF-aware NLP tools

Submission format

Submissions should not exceed 8 pages in length, and must follow the
EACL style guidelines at
http://ufal.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~hajic/eacl03/submission.html. Please send
submissions in PDF or PS format as an email attachment to
ide at cs.vassar.edu.


Paper submissions due:        7 January 2003
Notification of acceptance:  28 January 2003
Camera-ready papers due:     13 February 2003
Workshop Date:               14 April 2003


To register for the workshop and the main EACL conference, please go to


Nancy Ide
Vassar College, USA
e-mail : ide at cs.vassar.edu

Laurent Romary
e-mail : romary at loria.fr	

Graham Wilcock
University of Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: graham.wilcock at helsinki.fi


Paul Buitelaar (DFKI, Germany)
Jean Carletta (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Key-Sun Choi (KAIST, Korea)
Thierry Declerck (DFKI, Germany)
David Durand (Brown University, USA)
Tomaz Erjavec (Institute Jozef Stefan, Slovenia)
Nancy Ide (Vassar College, USA)
Christophe Laprun (NIST, USA)*
Ewan Klein (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Jimmy Lin (MIT, USA)
Chieko Nakabasami (Toyo University, Japan)
Naoyuki Nomura (Justsystem/Hosei University, Japan)
Antonio Pareja-Lora (UCM, Spain)
Laurent Romary (Loria/CNRS, France)
Manfred Stede (U Potsdam, Germany)
Henry Thompson (University of Edinburgh, UK)*
Fabio Vitali (University of Bologna, Italy)
Kuansan Wang (Microsoft, USA)
Graham Wilcock (University of Helsinki, Finland)

* to be confirmed

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