[Corpora-List] Online aligner and segmenter

Tony Berber Sardinha tony4 at uol.com.br
Thu Aug 14 01:03:27 UTC 2003

Dear all

CEPRIL* has made available two online tools, a segmenter (for identifying topic
boundaries in texts) and an aligner (for aligning parallel texts) at:

Segmenter: http://lael.pucsp.br/corpora/segmentador
Aligner: http://lael.pucsp.br/corpora/aligner

(Other tools: http://lael.pucsp.br/corpora)

They are based on JTextTile and the Vanilla / char_align aligner, respectively
(more info and credits on the webpages).

We apologize that instructions are currently available in Portuguese only, but
the commands should be easy to follow to anyone interested in these tools - I'd
be glad to assist anyone if needed. Apologies in advance if the server is slow
at times.

*CEPRIL is the resource center at the Applied Linguistics Postgraduate Program
of the Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Dr Tony Berber Sardinha
(Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
tony4 at uol.com.br
[New website]

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