[Corpora-List] URL and name changes relative to the Computational processing of Portuguese project

Santos Diana Diana.Santos at sintef.no
Wed Feb 5 13:58:12 UTC 2003

Dear colleagues,

We have to inform you about the following DNS (Internet domain name) change:

Please update all links that make reference to the Computational processing
of Portuguese projects and activities, from www.portugues.mct.pt to
and from http://cgi.portugues.mct.pt to http://acdc.linguateca.pt. 

Please change as well the name "Computational processing of Portuguese
project" to "Linguateca".

We apologize for the inconveniences this may bring to our users or simple

More information

Our project has slowly evolved into a larger endeavour, a distributed
resource center for the processing of the Portuguese language, with (so far)
four nodes of activity: Oslo, where the (original) project started, Braga,
Lisbon and Oporto, respectively hosted by SINTEF Telecom and Informatics in
Oslo, the Computer Science department of University of Minho, LabEL at IST
at the Technical University of Lisbon, and the Center of Linguistics at the
University of Oporto.

Basically, the spirit has not changed and the services that have been
provided (extensive catalogue and portal, Web access to 200 million words of
Portuguese parsed corpora (ACDC project), access to the Floresta treebank,
access to COMPARA, CETEMPúblico and CETENFolha, organization of evaluation
contests) continue unchanged (hopefully improved), but we are now aiming at
more services and new activities, related to the practice and research
interests of the new partners.

So, we ask for your understanding and for the trouble of changing the places
where you point to us. We are actively improving our site -- which,
incidentally, includes many more servers now, at different locations, but
this is transparent to Web navigators -- so it should be worth while to
update your links :-)

For the Linguateca team,
Diana Santos
Electronic address: Diana.Santos at sintef.no, Linguateca,
http://www.linguateca.pt, Oslo node
Postal address: SINTEF Telecom & Informatics, Pb 124 Blindern, NO-0314 Oslo,

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