[Corpora-List] Is the TEI a waste of time?

Mcenery, Tony eiaamme at exchange.lancs.ac.uk
Thu Jun 26 14:54:31 UTC 2003

Dear Rita,

Yes, I have some sympathy with the point you make. The thing that has attracted me to the TEI in the past, though, is once the effort is made to get to grips with it (and it is daunting) there is usually a well thought through solution contained in it for almost any problem situation you come across in encoding a corpus! With that said, it is a clear theme of the posts so far that there is, at the very least, an advocacy issue related to the TEI in corpus linguistics, which is interesting.



-----Original Message-----
From: Simpson, Rita [mailto:ritacsim at umich.edu] 
Sent: 26 June 2003 14:09
To: Christopher Brewster; corpora at uib.no
Subject: RE: [Corpora-List] Is the TEI a waste of time?

Interesting question...

> There are two issues here:
> 1. Ignorance and confusion. Most people have only a vague
> idea what TEI
> is or does or what it is good for. There would need to be a effort to
> (re-) educate the potential users of TEI. Does TEI do something
> different from XML? Absurd question I know but that is the kind of
> confusion which I suspect exists.
> 2. Complexity. When it was introduced many people reacted
> against it as
> too complex. Now they have all adopted xml, rdf etc. which 
> are much more
> complicated to use. So potential users' perception would now 
> be ripe for
> a re-presentation of TEI. 

Related to both of these issues is that of the documentation available
to educate people & help potential users understand what TEI is, does,
& is good for. A research assistant & I have recently been poring over a

couple chapters of the TEI guidelines, looking for guidelines & relevant
examples to add some markup to our already (mostly) TEI-conformant
markup scheme. Although the documentation is extensive, it is inadequate

in many ways, missing examples, not very good at giving a larger picture
to people who aren't sure if they need/want the TEI at all or who just
some pointers to a few relevant sections. If the only people who can
read the documentation and make use of it are information/library
people who are specifically trained in that area, then it's no wonder 
linguists & others who are in the business of building corpora are not 
using it or promoting it. 

Rita Simpson

Project Director, Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English (MICASE)
English Language Institute
University of Michigan

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