[Corpora-List] Is the TEI a waste of time?

ak28 Adam.Kilgarriff at itri.brighton.ac.uk
Fri Jun 27 11:23:54 UTC 2003

Christopher Brewster says:

>1. Ignorance and confusion. [...] Does TEI do something
>different from XML? Absurd question I know but that is the kind of
>confusion which I suspect exists.

It is interesting to note that TEI's 1980s origins go back to the dark ages
*before* SGML (XML's predecessor, for the really young) had taken hold as a
standard.  So the original conception of TEI was to address issues that are
now non-issues because XML handles them.  TEI's role, in a world with XML in
it, is much harder to delineate than would have been the case had SGML and XML
not taken hold.

Adam Kilgarriff

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