[Corpora-List] Survey: interactive websites for teaching

Diana Maynard D.Maynard at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Fri May 9 10:45:54 UTC 2003

Hi Adam

The University of Sheffield's GATE website has a demo of Named Entity
recognition using ANNIE, and a variety of movies showing you how to create,
process, store, and manually annotate documents and corpora.


Diana Maynard

On Friday 09 May 2003 11:34, you wrote:
> Dear all,
>     Interactive websites for teaching NLP and corpus linguistics
> Do you know of any neat websites that could be used to demo and teach
> about NLP and corpus linguistics?
> I am surveying what is available, either produced for teaching or which
> (like some product demos) could play a useful role in teaching.  My
> goals are both for input to our MSc (Lexical Computing and Lexicography)
> and as a small research project into the web and pedagogy (with ref to
> NLP/corpus linguistics).
> Feedback from students and teachers about how well the sites supported
> student learning are of particular interest.
> Items of most interest are those that do not have access restrictions,
> do not involve installing anything and will make sense to decent
> linguistics majors (eg not too specialist)
> Examples/items already on my list include:
> NLP Research
>     Dekang Lin's parser, dependency database, corpus-based word clusters
> etc  http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~lindek/demos.htm
>     Rada Mihalcea and Tim Chklovski's OpenMind page for doing manual WSD
> http://teach-computers.org/word-expert.html
>     Waspbench: http://wasps.itri.bton.ac.uk
> Web research
>     Google labs - sets function
>         (also now-almost-standard search engine functions like
> translation, access to online dictionaries, view-as-html, similar-pages)
>     citeseer
> NLP commercial
>     Conexor tagger and parser
> Corpus query
>     BNC online
>     Tomaz Erjavec's Multext-east bilingual concordancing
>     Mark Davies's corpus lingustics (in Spanish)
> http://mdavies.for.ilstu.edu/hisspan
> Other - computer science
>     Regexp learning:
> http://www.itri.brighton.ac.uk/courses/MScLex/exercises/regex
> Don't quite meet the criteria as they're not very interactive but worth
> including nonetheless-
>     Corpora's own archive, plus indexes into it from  http://www.siglex.org
>     WordNet
> If I get much interest, I'll post a summary.
> Thanks very much,
>         Adam Kilgarriff

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