[Corpora-List] BNC query

Mike Scott mike at lexically.net
Wed May 14 09:08:11 UTC 2003

Fiona Barker wrote:
>If I wanted to run a query to see whether a word occurred without another
>in a sentence, what would be the best way to do this?
>eg Neither used at the sentence head, without Nor occurring after it
In the new version (4.0) of WordSmith Tools you can specify context
requirements, including negative ones. At present this occurs within a
horizon you specify up to 25 words left & right. I am also implementing a
way of setting further restrictions so that you can opt not to go past
boundaries such as sentence end, paragraph end, etc. You are welcome to
give it a try: http://www.lexically.net/wordsmith/version4/index.htm. At
present WordSmith 4 is in beta and is free. The only restriction is an
expiry date.

Mike Scott

Applied English Language Studies Unit
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 3BX, UK.

Mike.Scott at liv.ac.uk

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