[Corpora-List] OntoLex 2004 - Second and final call for paper

Alessandro Oltramari oltramari at loa-cnr.it
Mon Jan 12 17:17:55 UTC 2004



OntoLex 2004:
Ontologies and Lexical Resources
in Distributed Environments


Centro Cultural de Belem
LISBON, Portugal
29th may 2004

In Association with
Main conference 26-27-28 May 2004

Motivations and aim

The use of ontological knowledge in language technology applications 
goes a long way back. Recently, however, the project of turning the 
World Wide Web into a machine understandable resource to access digital 
information (the so-called Semantic Web) has stimulated a renewed 
interest in ontologies. In several recent workshops and conferences, 
researchers have investigated their nature and application potential 
for knowledge management, information retrieval and extraction, 
information exchange in agent-based systems as well as dialogue 
systems. Attention is being drawn to new aspects of ontology research 
such as ontology coordination and mapping – aspects that are 
particularly relevant for distributed environments such as Knowledge 
Grid and Semantic web. In fact the annotation of web resources in 
agreement with concepts and relations as defined in ontologies, is 
useful for establishing a conceptual support for knowledge 

 From this perspective, lexicographers, lexical semanticists and 
ontologists are joining forces to build innovative systems for 
integrating ontological knowledge with lexical and semantic resources. 
Important examples of this interaction are the recent works on the 
conceptual analysis of WordNet (one of the first lexical knowledge 
bases), and the wide use of upper ontologies in innovative 
international projects like EuroWordNet, SIMPLE, Balkanet, DWDSnet. 
WordNet was designed and built entirely by psychologists, linguists, 
and lexicographers. Nevertheless, there are obvious parallels with 
ontologies, especially in the kinds of structuring relations used 
(taxonomical links, meronymy or part-of, etc.), and indeed WordNet has 
for years attracted the attention of philosophers and ontologists. In 
this context, the distinction between conceptual (possibly axiomatic) 
ontologies and lexical ontologies (which contain both linguistic and 
ontological information) has become more and more central in the field.

In this workshop we want to discuss ontologies as resources per se, as 
well as for what concerns the relation between ontological knowledge 
and language. This relation can be investigated from a number of 
different angles, for example what differences and similarities there 
are between ontologies and more traditional lexical resources such as 
dictionaries and wordnets; how ontologies can be extracted from 
language corpora; what role language plays in the definition and 
mapping of ontologies; and finally, how ontologies can be used to treat 
language in language technology applications – in particular 
applications for distributed environments.

Topics to be addressed in the workshop include, but are not limited to: 
• Design principles and methodologies for upper-level ontologies and 
semantic lexical resources	
• Evaluation, comparison, mapping and integration of ontologies and 
lexical resources 	• Applications of ontologies and semantic lexical 
resources in LT applications (e.g. QA, Information Retrieval, 
Information Extraction, Machine Translation)
• Role of semantic lexical resources in ontology learning	
• Methods to derive ontological knowledge from text	
• Methods to annotate text with reference to an ontology	
• Ontology-based query expansion techniques 	
• Ontologies and multi-lingual lexical resources	
• Ontologies and ontology mapping in multi-lingual applications	• 
Ontologies and lexical resources for meaning negotiation

Two discussions will be organised around the following topics:
• Filling the gap between axiomatic and linguistic ontologies	
• The role of lexical resources in the Semantic Web and the Knowledge 

Reasons of interest
A new scientific community is growing around this largely 
interdisciplinary area: following the spirit of the previous two 
OntoLex workshops, this workshop aims at being an important meeting 
point for researchers involved in the fields of lexical resources and 
ontologies, favouring the exchange of scientific experiences and 
proposing new directions of inquiry. This year, the workshop 
particularly welcomes contributions from researchers that are 
investigating the application of ontologies and lexical resources in 
distributed environments such as Knowledge Grid and Semantic Web.

Important dates
• 4th December 2003: Call for papers and demonstrations 	
• 30 January 2004: Deadline for paper submission 	
• 5 March 2004: Acceptance notifications and preliminary program 	
• 29 March 2004: Deadline final version of accepted papers	
• 29 May 2004: Workshop	
Participants are invited to submit an extended abstract of max 3000 
words related to one or more of the topics of interest. Papers can 
describe research results as well as work in progress. Each accepted 
paper will receive a slot of 30 minutes for presentation (20 minutes 
talk and 10 minutes for discussion). Demonstrations of ontology 
applications are encouraged as well (a demonstration outline of 2 pages 
can be submitted). Each submission should show: title; author(s); 
affiliation(s); and contact author's e-mail address, postal address, 
telephone and fax numbers. Submissions must be sent electronically in 
PDF to Alessandro Oltramari (oltramari at loa-cnr.it)

As soon as possible, authors are encouraged to send a brief email 
indicating their intention to participate, including their contact 
information and the topic they intend to address in their submissions. 
Proceedings of the workshop will be printed by the LREC Local 
Organising Committee.

Time schedule and registration fee
The workshop will consist of a morning session and an afternoon 
session, and include scientific paper presentations from workshop 
participants as well as general discussions.
For this full-day workshop, the registration fee is 100 EURO for LREC 
conference participants and 170 EURO for other participants. These fees 
will include a coffee break and the Proceedings of the Workshop.

Organising Committee
Alessandro Oltramari (Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR; 
Department of Cognition and Education Sciences, Trento University)
Patrizia Paggio (Center for Sprogteknologi, University of Copenhagen)
Aldo Gangemi (Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR Rome)
Maria Teresa Pazienza (Roma Tor Vergata University)
Nicoletta Calzolari (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR)
Bolette Sandford Pedersen (Center for Sprogteknologi, University of 
Kiril Simov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

Programme Committee
Roberto Basili (Roma Tor Vergata University)
Werner Ceusters (Language & Computing)
Nicoletta Calzolari (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR)
Aldo Gangemi (Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR, Rome)
Eric Gaussier (Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble Laboratory)
Maria Toporowska Gronostaj (Språkdata, University of Gothenburg)
Nicola Guarino (Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR, Trento)
Arne Jönsson (Linköping Universitet)
Dimitrios Kokkinakis (Språkdata, University of Gothenburg)
Alessandro Lenci (Universitá di Pisa)
Claude de Loupy (Sinequa and University of Paris 10)
Bernardo Magnini (ITC-IRST, Trento)
Jørgen Fischer Nilsson (Technical University of Denmark)
Alessandro Oltramari, (Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR, 
Patrizia Paggio (Center for Sprogteknologi)
Maria Teresa Pazienza (Roma Tor Vergata University)
Bolette Sandford Pedersen (Center for Sprogteknologi)
Guus Schreiber (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Kiril Simov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Atanas Kiryakov (Ontotext Lab, Sirma AI)
Paola Velardi (Università “La Sapienza”, Rome)

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