[Corpora-List] EMNLP 2004 - Preliminary Call for Papers

Dekai Wu dekai at cs.ust.hk
Thu Jan 15 06:51:59 UTC 2004

2004 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
     (EMNLP 2004)
     Preliminary Call for Papers

SIGDAT, the Association for Computational Linguistics' special
interest group on linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP,
invites submissions to EMNLP 2004. The conference will be held on July
25-26 in Barcelona, Spain, immediately following the 42nd meeting of
the ACL (ACL 2004).

We are interested in papers from academia, government, and industry on
all areas of traditional interest to the SIGDAT community and aligned
fields, including but not limited to:

 o information extraction
 o information retrieval
 o language and dialogue modeling
 o lexical acquisition
 o machine translation
 o multilingual technologies
 o question answering
 o statistical parsing
 o summarization
 o generation
 o tagging
 o term and named entity extraction
 o word sense disambiguation
 o word, term, and text segmentation
 o general NLP-related machine learning techniques:
   theory, methods and algorithms

Requirements: Submissions must describe original, completed,
unpublished work, and include concrete evaluation results when
appropriate. Papers being submitted to other meetings must provide
this information (see submission format). In the event of multiple
acceptances, authors are requested to immediately notify the EMNLP
program chair (lindek at cs.ualberta.ca) and to choose which meeting to
present and publish the work at as soon as possible. EMNLP cannot
accept for publication or presentation work that will be (or has been)
published elsewhere.

Format: Submissions should take the form of full papers (up to 8 pages
in two-column format). Authors are strongly encouraged to use the
style files originally provided for ACL 2004.

We strongly prefer submissions to be as PS files. Any author who
submits in PDF must assume the responsibility for ensuring that fonts
are treated properly so that the paper will print (not just view)
anywhere. (This may involve reading the manual.) DOC/RTF formats
cannot be accepted.

Reviewing will be blind. No information identifying the authors should
be in the paper: this includes not only the authors' names and
affiliations, but also self-references that reveal authors'
identities; for example, "We have previously shown (Smith 1999)"
should be changed to "Smith (1999) has previously shown". A separate
identification email is required: see below.

Procedure: Submissions will be entered via a website:
A PostScript file of the paper must be uploaded onto the system by the
date of the deadline (12 midnight GMT). In addition, information
about each paper must be entered on the website. This information

     * Paper title
     * Contact author name, affiliation, and email address
     * A short list of keywords (selected from a predefined list)
     * Abstract (no more than 300 words)
     * The conferences that the paper has also been submitted to (if any).

Important Dates
Submission deadline: April 28, 2004
Acceptance notification: May 26, 2004
Camera-ready copy due: June 15, 2004
Conference: July 25-26, 2004

Program Co-Chairs
Dekang Lin, University of Alberta, (lindek at cs.ualberta.ca)
Dekai Wu, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,
(dekai at cs.ust.hk)

Conference URL

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