[Corpora-List] CFP: Poetics and Linguistics Association, July 25-28 New York

David Hoover david.hoover at verizon.net
Sun Jan 25 23:59:00 UTC 2004

PALA, The Poetics and Linguistics Association (http://www.pala.ac.uk/),
one of the oldest and most successful international organizations
dedicated to the study of stylistics and related fields, is holding its
24th annual conference, its first in North America, at New York
University, July 25-28, 2004. The full call for papers can be found at
the conference web site at

The theme is "Prospect & Retrospect": the first PALA conference in the
“new world” will focus on both old and new "worlds" of poetics and
linguistics. We invite abstracts and proposals for panel discussions and

workshops in the following and related areas of interest: stylistics,
narratology, literariness, literary linguistics, stylistics and
pedagogy, critical discourse analysis, gender and writing, literary
translation studies, linguistics and philosophy, metaphor, cognition,
cognitive poetics, pragmatics, text-linguistics, corpus linguistics,
text world theory, corpus stylistics, and statistical stylistics.

Deadline Extended: February 29, 2004

                    David L. Hoover, Assoc. Chair & Webmaster
NYU Eng. Dept., 212-998-8832       http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/english/

"Nothing, not even moonshine, goes to the head quicker
than saving democracy with other people's money."
     --Ellen Glasgow, _They Stooped to Folly_ (1929)

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