[Corpora-List] Call for Papers: Workshop on "Learning Structured Information in Natural Language Applications"

Alessandro Moschitti moschitti at info.uniroma2.it
Fri Dec 9 15:32:23 UTC 2005

EACL 2006 Workshop on

Learning Structured Information in Natural Language Applications

April 3, 2006


The EACL 2006 Workshop on Learning structured information in natural 
language applications will be hosted in conjunction with the 11th Conference 
of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 
that will take place April 3-7, 2006, in Trento, italy.

Language processing largely deals with multidimensional and highly 
structured forms of information. Indeed, from the morphological up to the 
deep syntactic and semantic levels, linguistic information is often 
described by structured data, making the learning of the associated 
linguistic tasks more complex. Recently, approaches that attempt to 
alleviate such modeling complexity by directly encoding structured data have 
been developed. Among other, kernel methods and conditional random fields 
provide interesting properties. The promising aspects of such approaches 
open new research directions:
(a) the study of their impact on the modeling of diverse natural language 
structures, (b) their comparative assessment with traditional 
attribute-value models and (c) the investigation of techniques which aim to 
improve their efficiency.

The main goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from 
different communities such as machine learning, computational linguistics, 
information retrieval and data mining to promote the discussion and 
development of new ideas and methods for the effective exploitation of 
"structured data" for natural language learning and applications.

For further details and topics of interest, please refer to the website of 
the workshop.


Authors are invited to submit full papers on original, unpublished work in 
the topic area of this workshop.  Submissions should be formatted using the 
EACL 2006 stylefiles with overt author and affiliation information and not 
exceeding 8 pages. The EACL 2006 stylefiles are available at

Please send your PDF file no later than January 6, 2006, to
moschitti [at] info.uniroma2.it

Each submission will be reviewed at least by two members of the programme 
committee. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.

Dual submissions to the main EACL 2006 conference and this workshop are 
allowed; if you submit to the main session, do indicate this when you submit 
to the workshop.  If your paper is accepted for the main session, you should 
withdraw your paper from the workshop upon notification by the main session.


Information on registration and registration fees will be
provided at the conference web page.


January 6, 2006   - Deadline for workshop papers
January 27, 2006  - Notification of acceptance
February 10, 2006 - Camera-ready papers due
April 3, 2006    - Workshop

As the schedule is extremely tight, deadline extensions are NOT

* Workshop Chairs

  Roberto Basili and Alessandro Moschitti
  University of Rome "Tor Vergata"


 Nicola Cancedda (Xerox Research Centre Europe, France)
 Nello Cristianini (University of California, Davis , USA)
 Aron Culotta (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)
 Walter Daelemans (University of Antwerp, Netherlands)
 Marcello Federico (ITC-Irst, Italy)
 Attilio Giordana (University of Turin, Italy)
 Marko Grobelink (J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
 Fred Jelinek (CLSP John Hopkins University, USA)
 Thorsten Joachims (Cornell University, USA)
 Lluis Marquez (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
 Giuseppe Riccardi (University of Trento, Italy)
 Dan Roth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
 Alex Smola (National ICT Australia, ANU)
 Carlo Strapparava (ITC-Irst, Italy)
 John Shawe Taylor (University of Southampton, UK)
 Ben Taskar (University of California at Berkeley , USA)
 Dimitry Zelenko (SRA international inc., USA)


Workshop web page

Conference web page

EACL 2006 Workshops site


Alessandro Moschitti
Department of Computer Science, Systems and Production
University of Roma, Tor Vergata, Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Roma, Italy

Phone : (office) +39-06-72597333. (lab.) +39-06-72597332,
E-mail: moschitti [at] info.uniroma2.it
Fax   : +39-06-72587460 

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