[Corpora-List] Re: Lesser (sic) used languages

Thu Feb 10 21:52:45 UTC 2005

Hi, Harold,

Just googled the two, and while that is pretty rough and ready, "lesser
used" got just over 50,000 hits, while "less used" got a bit over 100,000
(including collocations like "buy for less--used ...").  The implication
being that only about two-thirds of Web posters at most might cringe like
you.  My personal reaction is that it is British, but I would say that about
any marginally acceptable collocation that I personally don't use ('Blame
the Brits' syndrome).


Somers, Harold escribió:

> Sorry for cross-posting, but I just saw an announcement for a conference on "Lesser Used Languages & Computer Linguistics", which looks like an interesting conference, but (the point of this posting), does anyone else cringe when they see "lesser used"? Shouldn't it be "less used"?

James L. Fidelholtz
Posgrado en Ciencias del Lenguaje, ICSyH
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla     MÉXICO

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