[Corpora-List] RE: Lesser (sic) used languages

Mike Maxwell maxwell at ldc.upenn.edu
Fri Feb 11 01:40:36 UTC 2005

Somers, Harold wrote:
> I just felt that "less" was already a comparative form,
 >  but as we all know, language ain't logical.

I would have thought it was obvious, but if 'less' is comparative, then
'lesser' must be more comparative (unless of course you believe that
less is more).

Oh, almost forgot: :-).

BTW, in Hawai'an Pidgin, there's an expression "mo' bettuh".  I think it
means s.t. like "It would be better if...", as in "Mo' bettuh you no
talk stink, eh?"
	Mike Maxwell
	Linguistic Data Consortium
	maxwell at ldc.upenn.edu

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