[Corpora-List] manual annotation tool needed...

ted pedersen tpederse at d.umn.edu
Sun Feb 20 19:46:00 UTC 2005

Greetings fellow Corporans,

We plan to classify several thousand small units of text (approx 200-500
words each) into a hierarchy of topics. We will do the classification
manually, and we will also design the hierarchy manually. So there is
nothing automatic going on here, we are doing manual annotation.

We would like to have a tool that will let us view these units of text one
by one, and then classify it into our hiearchy. We'd like to be able to
add new topic nodes to the hiearchy, and also move units of text from one
node to another, or maybe even merge or split apart nodes as we refine our

Are there any free software tools out there that will let us do this
fairly easily? We are able to use Windows or Linux or Solaris for this.
We can convert our data into whatever form would be needed. Right now it
is a big directory structure made up of plain text.


Ted Pedersen

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