[Corpora-List] The Preposition Project

Ken Litkowski ken at clres.com
Thu Feb 24 15:57:34 UTC 2005

[Apologies for multiple postings.]

CL Research is pleased to announce The Preposition Project (TPP),
(http://www.clres.com/prepositions.html), designed to create a publicly
available comprehensive database of prepositions. Each of 847
preposition senses for 373 prepositions (including phrasal prepositions)
will be described by a semantic role and syntactic and semantic
properties of its complement and attachment point. Each sense will be
linked to (1) its definition in the Oxford Dictionary of English (ODE),
(2) its syntactic function and meaning in Quirk's "Comprehensive
Grammar", (3) other prepositions filling a similar semantic role, (4)
FrameNet frames and frame elements, and (5) other syntactic forms in
which the semantic role may be realized.

The database is being constructed by first tagging instances from
FrameNet's database with ODE senses.  The Preposition Project generates
a considerable amount of data based on the disambiguation tagging for
further analysis of preposition behavior.  The project is currently in
its earliest stages and will be undergoing rapid change as issues emerge.

We welcome any financial or analytical assistance, particularly comments
and suggestions to assist in the project's swift completion.
Ken Litkowski                     TEL.: 301-482-0237
CL Research                       EMAIL: ken at clres.com
9208 Gue Road
Damascus, MD 20872-1025 USA       Home Page: http://www.clres.com

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