[Corpora-List] 3rd Newsletter of IJCNLP05

Nakagawa nakagawa at dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Wed Jun 22 05:05:02 UTC 2005


      International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing 2005

                Oct. 10-15, 2005 at Jeju Island, Korea

                URL: http://www.afnlp.org/IJCNLP05/

        IJCNLP2005 Newsletter No.3              (21/June/2005)


Publicity Chairs: Hiroshi Nakagawa (U-Tokyo, Japan) and Jong C. Park (KAIST,



The publicity chairs of IJCNLP05 issue newsletter to inform you of the
latest information about IJCNLP05. This is the third Newsletter of INCNLP05
this year.

Now IJCNLP05's homepage is open. You can check the updated information on

This newsletter includes

1.  CALL FOR EXHIBITION URL: http://www.afnlp.org/IJCNLP05/archives6.html

2.  Registration Guidelines for IJCNLP-05: URL :


3.  VISA Application: URL: http://www.afnlp.org/IJCNLP05/general.html

4.  Nagao Fund

[ from listadm: See web-site for more ]

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