[Corpora-List] *** SUMMARY *** Semantic Primitives

Aleem Hossain A.Hossain at cs.bham.ac.uk
Wed Jun 29 11:25:33 UTC 2005

Dear all,

Thanks for your replies on this topic.  I include a summary of responses 



A number of people suggested work by Anna Wierzbicka, and in pariticular 
her book "Semantics, Primes and Universals."

A couple of list members also recommended The Natural Semantic 
Metalanguage Homepage (maintained by Cliff Goddard) which lists a lot of 
resources and
information about his and Anna Wierzbicka's approach based on semantic
primes. The site also provides links to a number of online papers and a 
bibliography of NSM works:


Yorick Wilks, however, added a note of caution that the linguistic 
approach (like Wierzbicka) won't demonstrate the many pracitcal systems 
based on semantic primitives.  He suggested an encyclopedia of 
language/linguistics as a goot starting point.


Eric Atwell suggested his work on  semantic primitives, based on LDOCE 
defining vocabulary:
Demetriou G and Atwell E. 2001. A domain-independent semantic tagger for
the study of meaning associations in English text. In Harry Bunt, Ielka
van der Sluis and Elias Thijsse (editors), Proceedings of the Fourth
International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-4) pp.67-80.
Tilburg, Netherlands


Finally,  Ute Römer directed me to the mailing list "NSM-L" for

Aleem Hossain (Research Student)
Room 144,
School of Computer Science,
University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, B15 2TT

A.Hossain at cs.bham.ac.uk
+44 (0)121 414 2884 (Internal 42884)

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